One Bad Call

Cam Dixon and her best friend, Roxie, return for a summer packed with softball, boys and a whole lot of drama. It’s amazing how One Bad Call, can change your life!
Expected Launch Date: Fall 2018
“Real Men” Don’t Write

In the day and age in which we live, you men(and women) need to be reminded that writing is one of the oldest, most natural forms of expressing your inner most thoughts, feelings and ideas. It has been said that “real men” don’t write. This is why I made it my personal quest to prove that statement wrong…
Mission Successful!
I was privileged enough to correspond with “real men” from across the globe to compile this anthology of amazing poems, short stories and “fast fiction”. We have men of all ages and from all walks of life. Students, doctors, lawyers, servicemen, mechanics… there’s no industry that is immune to having…
Expected Launch Date: TBD