NaNoWriMo Day 13

NaNoWriMo Day 13

What a great day today was for writing. I had a lot of unexpected inspiration come my way. Between my family, my friends and even some help with word sprints from the WordNerds. With their help encouraging me, I was able to blow past my 1700 word goal and knock out 3,083 words today.

I cannot get over how rewarding this feels, especially when this is the first time I’ve every participated in NaNoWriMo AND the first time I’ve ever written a novel. I am officially over 60% of the way to my goal of 50,000 and I could not be happier.

If you’ve fallen behind, don’t panic, there is still plenty of time to catch back up.

Day 13 count: 3,083 words
Cumulative count: 30,550 words


  1. Good for you sir! I keep finding excuses to not get back writing and I must stop doing so. My problem is opposite yours sir, while you are trying to gain words, I am trying to reduce them. My first book ended up at around 300K words and I finally cut it down to the 250K or so range. If I can get back into it, the thing will be a trilogy I believe. I know there is a second book in here, not completely sure on the third.

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